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HPE Digital Learner 1 Year Subscription Service
HPE Digital Learner delivers a continuous learning channel that is reshaping every aspect of how companies attract and retain high-caliber IT talent that paves the way for strategic, exceptional business outcomes. Fifty-two percent of organizations are already experiencing the impacts of skills shortages, and by 2025, it is estimated that 90% of global organizations will experience a skills crisis that will cost trillions of dollars in delayed product releases, decreased customer satisfaction and missed revenue goals. Millennials and Gen Z have changed the way learning and consuming information is done in today’s world, and more pressure is put upon businesses and digital systems to be progressive. This is where HPE Digital Learner thrives as a subscription-based learning solution that provides training for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and technologies through self-paced courses, videos, practice labs, curated learning paths, digital badges, and more to meet modern training needs.
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Offered by HPE Reseller
Service benefits Boosts the knowledge and skills of organizations using HPE technologies while providing access to bite-sized training created by top HPE experts.
Offers a unique opportunity to access learning content anytime, anywhere—to answer a quick question, solve an unexpected problem, and inspire creativity.
Increases employee satisfaction and enhances performance and productivity, helping to improve staff retention and attract top IT talent.
Predicts and reduces training costs with minimal disruption to your business.
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